I can't think of anything to say about my daily life today.
Uh, well a Lao Airways helicopter landed behind my house today, generating a cloud of dust which looked like some kind of computer generated imagery of the base of a nuclear bomb induced mushroom cloud. After running around to close my windows, I wondered who would come in on a helicopter, then turned my attention to coffee, breakfast and preparing to come to the office. Helicopters don't create much mystery - except for the kids who, once the blades stopped turning, stood around in the hot sun noting the details of the craft in hushed whispered while trying to move closer.
Strain my brain some more. Oh, the primaries in the US just have me shaking my head (I originally had written, "just have me shaking their heads." Yeah, I'd like to shake their heads) Just after the NH primary, all the reporters were going on about how there's no one candidate standing out, etc. etc. so it's an atypical primary season. Sigh. Maybe we just are exposed to too much media - everything has to be decided quickly, or maybe the news outlets are generating this frenzy to increase the number of viewers - but it's still early in the season and ten months from the elections. It makes my head ache.
And I'm half-way through Mortals by Norman Rush. I'm enjoying the combination of action and the obsessive thoughts of his main character.
So that's my day. I'm taking the overnight bus to Vientiane this afternoon and back in Pakse by Weds for a meeting. That's my life.
1 comment:
You have changed your site again and I like this one. Like your setting out your recent reading. Love your pictures too.
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