Tuesday, March 10, 2009

ABC Wednesday: Some G's?

Good enough to eat?

Day 49 good enough to eat

This was lunch on 7 March, in honor of International Women's Day. Sour fish soup, spring rolls, sticky rice and goi pa, a spicy fish salad.

This is a picture of a dazzlingly red flower in a garden by a restaurant, made even more intense by using the color accent on my camera.


Kinda looks like an animal.

And a gas station near my office, on a busy Friday afternoon:

gas station

These pictures are in honor of ABC Wednesday, even though I usually don't post on Wendesdays!


Keera Ann Fox said...

I love these snaps of life where you live and the color trick with the flower! I have that feature on my camera, but tend to forget about it.

chanpheng said...

@Kerra Ann Fox - Thanks! Glad you like the photos. The color accent feature is pretty cool - though the first time I noticed it, it wasn't so funny. Somehow I clicked it on by accident but I thought I had broken my camera somehow. The good part was that it forced me to read the camera instructions!

J.C. said...

That is a ginger flower. My mom has many of them in her garden.