Thursday, August 31, 2023

The super moon

Such a beautiful moon image - but while monsoon skies can be clear, they still have a lot of clouds in the sky. Could not see the moon as it was rising, but only brief glasses as it played hide and seek with the clouds

 My contribution to Skywatch Friday, a different view of the sky every week. I hope to see more and clearer photos of the supermoon! 

Since it was the full moon, I bought flowers for my Buddha altar and for the spirit house in my yard. I do this for each phase of the moon while I am in Vientiane. Most of the Buddha images I bought in Cambodia, made from Pursat marble. A few images are from Thailand. The white Buddha in the back belongs to my housemate. He is Vietnamese and had received it from a Vietnamese temple in Vientiane. When I place the flowers, I meditate in the early morning, when it is still dark and quiet. 

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