Thursday, April 10, 2008

farm next to Mekong

farm next to Mekong, originally uploaded by c_p_lew.


Nessa said...

Is it always warm there?

chanpheng said...

December and January can get cool during the mornings but the afternoons are very nice. Feb through May are really hot - 90 - 100. Then the rainy season cools things off, with daily rains.

Lilli & Nevada said...

This is a very beautiful place.

GMG said...

Sorry for the passing away of your friend.
Loved to see the flowers and the temple. On this picture I wonder what is in the background to the left of the tree...
Thanks for your comments at Blogtrotter, where you may now see the Guggenheim Museum, Bilbao. Hope you enjoy it!
Have a great weekend!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.